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Help Pass the City of Irvine Plastic Waste Reduction Ordinance!

Help Pass the City of Irvine Plastic Waste Reduction Ordinance!

Help Pass a Comprehensive Plastic Waste Reduction Ordinance in Irvine!

The Surfrider North Orange County chapter is working closely with the City of Irvine to pass a comprehensive plastic waste reduction ordinance. 

The purpose of this comprehensive ordinance is to reduce the negative human health and environmental impacts of single-use plastics for restaurants, food service providers and retail, by prohibiting the use of non-marine degradable disposable food service ware (including utensils, cups, plates, bowls, clamshells, and other containers), plastic bags, straws, stirrers, lids, lid plugs, helium balloons and plastic water bottles within the City of Irvine. 

Chapter volunteers have helped develop legislation language, met with City staff, and provided data and examples from other Southern California cities that have passed similar ordinances. 

To show your support of this campaign, you can make public comment, send an email or call your local representative.  Link to Irvine City Council.

Presentation to the Sustainability Commission on November 8th. Starts at minute 50.